Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Natural Remedy for insomnia or How to fall asleep easily

I used to have a problem. If ever I need to sleep badly, I will be anxious about whether I can fall asleep and then I become more anxious and therefore even more difficult to fall asleep.

Want to know a way to easily fall asleep without sleeping pills? Simple. Just tell yourself that if tonight I cannot sleep, it will be easier for me to fall asleep tomorrow for then you will be naturally tired and sleepy. And if tomorrow you still can't sleep, tell yourself that the next day it will be even easier. If it so happen you can't sleep the first day, the second day, the third day and so on, there will come a time that even if you don't want to sleep, you can be sure you will fall asleep whether you like it or not. So with that kind of knowledge that you will be able to sleep eventually, will you then be anxious about it? And if you aren't anxious, then don't you think it should be not a problem to fall asleep?

That my friend is my natural remedy for insomnia. Previously, sometimes it could be difficult for me to fall asleep. Not anymore.

Another tip: Supposed you have a number of problems not solved yet and you do not yet know the solution. You are anxious about something. This kind of situation will make it hard for you to sleep for you will then be anxious. Just imagine you have a bag. Imagine you put all your concerns and worries and put them all into the bag and close it. Tell yourself you will not worry about them for the time being. Tell yourself when you awake or when you are ready, then only open the bag and think about the solutions etc.

Now free of worries and anxiety do you think you would be able to fall asleep very easily? So friends, these 2 are my naturalremedies for insomnia and so far it had been working very well not only for me, but also for my son when he said he don't know if he can sleep one night. I gave him my natural remedy and within minutes, he was asleep.

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